MAPP MEE Self-Assessment Tool Kit – Stress Brake
MAPP MEE Self-Assessment Tool Kit – Stress Brake
The “MAPP MEE Self-Assessment Tool Kit” takes what you learn in “The Sound of Healing” to a deeper, more personal level! Evaluate your emotions and music responses to understand how music and emotions work together to release, transform, and manage daily control moods. Complete the assessments, listen to this Music Medicine Pill, score and evaluate your responses to continue using Music4Life®. This tool kit includes the Music Medicine Pill called the “Stress Brake” which might best address anger or anxiety. The workbook includes: special assessments, instructions, evaluations, recommendations and diary. The eBook is intended for one-time use.
Download includes the “MAPP MEE Self-Assessment Tool Kit:” eBook self-assessment and “Stress Brake” mp3.