Music4Life® [M4L] services transform lifestyles to be more productive, resilient, energized, happier and peaceful. We do this through our music therapists who encourage self-discovery of music listening habits with personalized coaching to develop effective playlists for healing.

“Intense grief from my illness (Lupus) and my parents dying exacerbated my pain. Pain medication would not work. The doctor said if I could only relax, the pain meds would work. For 2 years I was unable to relax. Then I listened for two weeks to my customized Music 4 Life playlist and the pain went away because my grief was ‘exercised’ – or ‘exorcized’ – out of me. I could finally relax and the pain medication worked.”

Debra M., Therapist

Music4Life shares the same wellness platforms as other therapies, nutrition and exercise, serving healing programs and products scalable for use in the home, travels, workplace, hospitals, and schools.


MusTeleMed gray

Schedule coaching to review your M4L self-assessment with next steps designed to harness scientific wellness strategies to feel better now.

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customized programs

Our music therapists tailor music therapy programs uniquely designed for employee or client well-being.



keynote presentations

Looking for new inspiration? Request a Music4Life® speaker for your next corporate, military, training or conference event.




Music4Life's REMO RMC has transferred to Jeffrey Trower of Community Productions in Las Vegas, Nevada.



""I was stagnant with unsettled/negative emotions, not knowing I'd been suppressing them for years, falling deeper into depression and so NUMB from emotion I hadn't cried for years. I dissociated often to further detach myself from negative feelings. I found Music4Life at a conference and worked with Judith to create my course of treatment listening to my personalized Music Medicine Pill. Now I can FEEL again, exhilarated to connect more deeply with my emotions. I am more present in relationships at home and work and no longer disassociate. THAT'S HUGE for me. Music Medicine truly helps me to regulate my emotions, be more in tune with myself, and manage negative emotions more maturely instead of running or hiding from them. I now can hold space to express them and work through it so I can continue to move forward with joy and peace. The best part of this experience is that I finally have closure with my past traumas. I am walking in Peace. Thank you Music4Life for further healing me - emotionally and physically.""
Madelyn Mai, MSW, LCSW
"I consider my customized Music Medicine Pill essential to my addiction treatment for PTSD. Prior to treatment, I only listened to metal music to justify my feelings of rage after witnessing my best friend’s suicide. Music therapy finally helped me deal with the emotional triggers of that trauma breaking me down daily. I opened up to different kinds of music, beyond metal, to feel different emotions. It helped me get in tune with feeling sad and happy, and not just rage, with key ways to feel it, accept it, and not deny it or push it down or get violent towards myself. Because of music therapy I can think about Chandler now with the emotional trigger gone, no longer sparking the rage about half my world being ripped away from me. Three years later, I still use a variety of music for sobriety and healing my PTSD."
Madison Bliss, Past Client
"Judith Pinkerton’s innovative Music Therapy (also referred to as “Non-Traditional Therapy”) reached my daughter, as I believe nothing else could. Ms. Pinkerton was able to communicate with my daughter and help her grow by reaching her creative spirit. I hope to see this type of music and art therapy also become a “Traditional Therapy” in the very near future."
Brenda S., Parent of Client
"I’ve always loved music but Music 4 Life® changed my whole outlook. The way music is prescribed is better than any medicine. I will never hear music the same: my eyes and ears were opened to music healing every wound that impaled my Body, Mind and Spirit."
Barry L., past client
"My first customized Music Medicine playlist helped me have fun again! Since my dad died, I’ve been stuck in what felt like an inescapable depression. Since I started music therapy, there’s been a slow change, and now I’m feeling like a new (better) person."
Mallory B., Middle School Student
"I’ve never experienced anything like my experience on the Music 4 Life playlist. I learned that the music we listen to has a great deal of influence on how we act, feel & who we are. My playlist is designed to exercise my emotions through music. It starts out with unsettled music that triggers me, then it moves into soothed music to relax me & allows me to let my feelings show, coming to the surface in a positive way. Then I’m exercised into energetic music. At first I didn’t think it would work, but I have to say it made a big difference on how I deal with my feelings. I reached where I was headed, but I had to follow the rules along the way. I’m thankful for this recording."
Tiffany S., High School Student
"My clients who use Music 4 Life Music Medicine recordings have derived significant benefit. The end result adds a freshness to life with spouse, family and friends because their individuality has been strengthened, allowing for more honesty and genuineness."
Cheryl C., MS, LMFT, LADC
"Disabilities have challenged our dreams of what the golden years were supposed to be like. We have found the customized Music Medicine playlist to be invaluable in helping us make the transition from life-long jobs to retirement with peace and joy."
Gary and Marilyn S., Retired Couple
"I discovered music therapy at our monthly support group and decided to try a customized Music Medicine playlist. The process was very gradual over two weeks with the end result of no longer needing my cane. Recently I’ve been a bone cancer survivor, had knee replacement surgery from arthritis, and experienced my mother’s death. I had been confined to a wheelchair and then a cane, with little desire to go out. After listening to the MEE recording, my assessments revealed my joy had doubled! It was then that I realized my extreme pain level had been reduced to background discomfort. Since then I’ve been traveling and enrolling in classes and even cleaned the bathroom totally – on my knees! I still listen to my MEE recording when I need to perk up."
Connee M., Cancer Survivor and Mental Health Counselor on Disability
"I have abnormal heartbeats with Long QT Syndrome. It feels like the MEE Concert music releases a million tiny workmen into my system to find and fix the problem areas. I listen to the MEE Concert 3 to 7 times a week – I’ve stopped fainting and I can finally exercise without my blood pressure spiking."
Romona S., Vocational Rehab Counselor
"My customized Music Medicine playlist broke my denial and restored some of my self-esteem. I even feel comfortable not wearing a wig while my hair grows back."
P. D., Cancer Survivor
"I wish you could pipe this Music Medicine training all over the hospital for both patient and employee benefit! Thank you!"
M. Nichols, RN, MA, C.E. Director, Valley Hospital Medical Center
"In the field of special education, I could use Music Medicine playlists to accomplish more and have a more peaceful learning atmosphere."
Lyle H., Special Education Teacher
"When I work with small groups of 4th & 5th graders who have anger management issues, I purposefully play the ‘MEE Concert’ as background music at the beginning of the group. It appears to de-escalate their anxiety levels. After doing this for the first few meetings, I am able to use just mellow music for the rest of the groups because they seem to be able to shift on their own – into a more calm state – when they enter the room. After several years of experience using this method successfully, I recommend other counselors & teachers consider playing the ‘MEE Concert’ during class or groups to possibly make their job easier in managing student behavior."
J. Poteete, Elementary School Counselor
"Outstanding! One-of-a-kind, unique observations that help me personally and through me, all my clients. I will use music in the sequence tension/centered/positive expression in order to help the client release emotions rather than just mood alter."
D. Fitzpatrick, Alcohol & Drug Counselor
"I experienced my whole life during the ‘MEE Concert.’ As I went through that first stage of music I relived the time when I tried to be everything to everybody and couldn't keep up. During the slower music I felt the crashes I would experience in the past. Then I would come back up and try again. The music repeated the same thing that I had been through. That period of my life ended, and love began [tears -- with the music], and that was very moving. Then I felt the joy toward the end that all of that has brought me."
John M., Audience Participant
"After having five heart attacks within one year, I began listening to my customized Music Medicine playlist regularly. Since then I haven’t had another heart attack because my stress is regularly relieved.

Disclaimer: Music 4 Life® Music Medicine is not a substitute for a physicians care when warranted."
B. Wood, Real Estate Executive
"During the ‘MEE Concert’ I felt a swift blow in my back just below my shoulder blades. I thought the man behind me had hit me with his fist. But I realized the blow was below the level of the chair back, so it couldn't have been from an external source. Upon discussion with a class facilitator the next day, she suggested it was my heart chakra opening. I have had a slipped disk and some leg pain since 1956, but recently I noticed the pain has gone away since the charka-opening event."
Bill S., Retired Airline Pilot & Actor
"Intense grief from my illness (Lupus) and my parents dying exacerbated my pain. Pain medication would not work. The doctor said if I could only relax, the pain meds would work. For 2 years I was unable to relax. Then I listened for two weeks to my customized Music 4 Life playlist and the pain went away because my grief was ‘exercised’ – or ‘exorcized’ – out of me. I could finally relax and the pain medication worked."
Debra M., Therapist
"Pain attacks started after my husband died of cancer. My personalized Music 4 Life playlist eliminated these attacks and the need for Xanax within three weeks of daily listening. I know that if I don’t listen to the tape the attacks will start again.
Disclaimer: Music 4 Life® does not recommend discontinuing prescribed medication without consulting your physician. Each persons experience of music is unique and may not reflect your own experience. "
Nancy I., Personnel Analyst
"Extreme family problems used to create intense anger and sadness in me. I never felt as deeply as with my customized Music Medicine playlist. The most powerful change happened when I moved into a new dimension of peace. Sadness and anger just flow through me and move right out. I now realize that feelings are a gift to experience life, rather than holding them back."
VanDyne W., Retired
"Very refreshing. I would like a whole lot more of this. Spiritual nourishment."
M. Fitzgerald, Assoc. Professor of Nursing, UNLV
"When my husband is out of town, I usually can't sleep well. Judith's Peace recording has solved this problem."
Dr. S. Cadwallader, University Professor
"My body actually experienced changes from tightness in head to a heaviness in body to warm all over to lightheadedness. I ended up very relaxed from the ‘MEE Concert."
G. Bennett, Social Worker
"During the first portion of the ‘MEE Concert’ I felt like I was hurrying here and there and everywhere. And then a miracle happened. I recalled my mother whom I took care of for so long and the violin was her favorite musical instrument. It was like she was giving me peace. I just felt wonderful. I could feel her reaching and saying 'Child, it's okay to get the lesson for today to have peace. To live in your peace.' I shed tears and connected with her. Then the music reminded me of the happy times again and my mother wanting me to be happy again. For me it's reliving [tears] being in touch with her again and her being my guide to say 'It's okay – it's okay to be in the flow of life.’"
Ruta P., Audience Participant
"The first part of the ‘MEE Concert’ – I couldn't close my eyes watching Judith deliver all of this. I could feel all the love she was putting into it. She was so totally engaged in it that it was flowing through her. During the third section I could feel my heart area opening up. At first I didn't know if it was some hurt that was busted loose and clearing out, or if it was the whole thing opening up. Then I felt it go up to my throat and start to open it up. This whole place [heart/throat] is open right now and just flowing with the breathing. I came specifically because of what you said last week, that this was going to be clearing a block. It delivered very nicely. Thank you."
James M., Business Executive
"I reached a wall in therapy I couldn’t break through. I was stuck. The Music 4 Life playlist was a miracle for me. I was able to face my barriers head-on, and break through them to achieve the emotional balance I needed to reach my goals."
G.M., Business Executive
"Judith Pinkerton is a professional leader, goal oriented, gifted instructor with decades of experience and making it a joyous interlude."
Jordana Carroll, Psychiatrist
"I was admitted to the hospital for testing because I had really bad headaches for four days in a row. I didn’t want to watch television while I waited to hear what the next step would be during my two-days there. So I listened to the MEE Concert. It took my mind off waiting for answers and my tension went away. I wish I’d had the music in the emergency room when I waited for seven hours to see the doctor."
Jim S., Audio Engineer
"Music 4 Life really worked for me and still does! At the end of my 12 hour shift from driving on the strip as a Taxi Driver I was usually pretty exhausted. My nerves were pretty frazzled too! It became difficult for me to relax, or fall asleep and get a good night’s sleep. Needless to say, my get up and go got up and left. But, once I began listening to Music 4 Life's Music Medicine recordings that were specifically designed to calm the body and mind I woke up in the morning feeling great! Well rested and revitalized. I had more clarity, was more focused, and more attentive too. "
Lynn Alessandrini, Taxi Cab Driver
"I'm very excited to be able to be a part of what Judith is doing at the musicmedicineclub.com. I absolutely fell in love at Solutions and have been eagerly anticipating this opportunity."
Jeremiah Phelps, Construction Superintendent
"The music therapy that Judith Pinkerton did was the only therapy that could bust through a wall that I'd built in my head from mental abuse when I was a child. My PTSD has decreased dramatically using music therapy that she taught me. She showed us how we could do it at home. Thanks."
Josh H., Music 4 Life Patient
"I am 48 years old and have suffered from clinical depression and anxiety disorder for 30 years. I’ve spoken to counselors, Doctors and psychotherapists, and for the past 15-20 years I’ve taken Prozac, Wellbutrin, Lexipro, Xanax, and prescription sleep aids. All my stress leads to insomnia and migraine headaches. I began listening to the MEE Concert and MEE in the Key of Peace CDs. I cannot explain the emotions that poured out of me. I listened to the CD everyday for several weeks and have not taken any medications for depression or anxiety for five months. I still have my up and down days, but I have not felt that heavy black cloud hanging over my head in a long time. In the past when I quit taking meds I ended up more suicidal and anxious. My husband can’t believe how quickly I fall asleep now, and how soundly I sleep...

Disclaimer: Music4Life® does not recommend discontinuing prescribed medication without consulting your physician first. "
Margret C., Business Executive
"I was not as aware of how someone else’s music could negatively impact my thought process. I became more assertive with controlling the music. I now understand the importance of our auditory environment. I’m not as accepting of others’ preferences if it is opposite what I want. Now I’m more assertive in the car or home with housecleaners, etc. And I am more sensitive to the effects of music on my well being, knowing that I have choices. I didn’t understand or pay attention before attending the Music 4 Life Music Medicine class. "
Bill B., Farmer
"I am writing to you today to express my forever lasting thanks to you and the music therapy you so graciously shared with me. It most definitely made a very positive affect on my life. The work you do is so very important and I hope you continue to help others as you’ve helped me. I hope to someday create a platform for people in my profession as a lot of people in my profession do suffer from PTSD and other afflictions that would greatly benefit from your beautiful therapy. For now, I will continue to spread the word on a case by case basis. I wish you 100 times the peace and happiness you have helped me to achieve in life. "
David M., Police Detective
"I lost my twins and dived into the many feelings of grieving. I found the Music 4 Life Music Medicine protocol so helpful. I had the confidence to plunge into intense feelings through matching them with the right music in a mood sequence formula, knowing that I would heal faster."
Judith Pinkerton, Founder & CEO, Music 4 Life, Inc.
"As I listen to the depression-matching music on the MEE Concert something seems to come into my chest, grab the depression, and pull it out physically."
Manuel B., Retired Chemical Engineer